Share Your Input on LCAP Goal 3! CVUSD invites you to participate in our LCAP Goal 3 ThoughtExchange to help shape family engagement efforts.Goal 3: Empower ALL parents—including multilingual families—to actively engage in their students’ education and decision-making by providing timely information and supporting student success.Your feedback will guide improvements in parent involvement and student achievement. Join the conversation today!
📢 We’re Hiring! 📢 Join Castro Valley Unified School District at our Spring Job Fair! 🌟 Now hiring for TK-12 positions, including Special Education, Dual Immersion, and more! Great pay, benefits, and a chance to make a difference. Don't miss out! 🚀
PUBLIC NOTICE: Elementary ELA and Advanced Placement United States History Adoption Materials Preview
📢 Exciting News! 🎉 Castro Valley Unified School District proudly welcomes April Wong as the new Secondary Education Director! 🌟
Engage with Us: Your Input Matters in our LCAP ThoughtExchanges 🌟 As part of CVUSD’s annual Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review, we request your input on LCAP Goal 1 which states: "Ensure that ALL students graduate “college and career ready” through the full implementation of the New California Standards for Literacy and Mathematics and the Next Generation Science Standards". With your feedback, we can learn what’s most important as we move forward together.